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Data Types

Understanding Enumerators

Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: Understanding Enumerators

Hey there, coding crew! I’m back with another blog post in our “Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex” series. In our previous posts, we covered the basics of primitive data types and collections in Apex. Now, we’re ready to dive into the magical world of enumerators. We’ll be breaking down what they are, how to use… Read More »Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: Understanding Enumerators

Salesforce Object Fields to Apex and LWC JavaScript Data Types

The Easy Guide to Mapping Salesforce Object Fields to Apex and LWC JavaScript Data Types

Working with data types is a big part of being a Salesforce developer. You’ll often have to use different data types when writing code in Apex or Lightning Web Components (LWC) JavaScript. It’s super important to map Salesforce object fields to the right data types in Apex and JavaScript. This way, you can be sure… Read More »The Easy Guide to Mapping Salesforce Object Fields to Apex and LWC JavaScript Data Types

Apex Collections

Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: An Introduction to Collections – Lists, Sets, and Maps

Welcome, coding crew! In this post, I’ll be discussing one of the most powerful features of Salesforce programming: Collections. As you may know, collections are used to store groups of related data & they come in three flavours: Lists, Sets, and Maps. Throughout this post, I’ll be providing an introduction to these collections and their… Read More »Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: An Introduction to Collections – Lists, Sets, and Maps

Primitive Data Types and Methods

Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: Primitive Data Types and Methods

Hello coding crew! Today, I want to talk to you about how variables, primitive data types, and their methods are used in Salesforce Apex language. Don’t worry if you haven’t read about this topic before, or if you’re not sure what variables are – I’ve got your back. Variables are a key concept that you… Read More »Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: Primitive Data Types and Methods