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Apex Collections

Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: An Introduction to Collections – Lists, Sets, and Maps

Welcome, coding crew! In this post, I’ll be discussing one of the most powerful features of Salesforce programming: Collections. As you may know, collections are used to store groups of related data & they come in three flavours: Lists, Sets, and Maps. Throughout this post, I’ll be providing an introduction to these collections and their… Read More »Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce Apex: An Introduction to Collections – Lists, Sets, and Maps

Developer Beginner Vocabulary

Essential Salesforce Developer Vocabulary for Beginners

Are you new to Salesforce development and feeling overwhelmed by the technical vocabulary? Don’t worry, I’m here to help! In this post, I’ll provide you with an introduction to essential Salesforce developer vocabulary. We won’t dive too deep into each topic, but by the end of this post, you’ll have a good foundation to build… Read More »Essential Salesforce Developer Vocabulary for Beginners